Macey was lucky enough to have another little party. Honestly, it was an excellent reason to get together with family and friends and eat! We had a great time and Macy sure enjoyed herself and her cake! I am still trying to absorb the fact that she is 1!

I was so excited to make these for her party! I got a great cup cake cookbook from my mom and I really wanted to use it. I am so glad they turned out!

Pretty huh? Good thing I am a perfectionist or this could have been ugly :)

She really could care less about the open flame right in front of her :)
Yumm, it's all mine!
I found this little toy at a yard sale a couple weeks ago for $1.50! Her and Annie love it! What a steal.... and it is fun to watch her shake that little bootie!
I was so sad to leave the party early. We'll have to have another one soon! Thanks for the fun. Those cupcakes turned out so amazing. Wow.
Ditto what Amy said. I was so impressed with your cupcakes. Good choice Annie! Thanks for showing me the girls in the outfits. That was sweet of you.
Brit, those cupcakes are beautiful? How did you make them?
Awesome cupcakes! They are so perfect. :0) I can't believe Macey is ONE! She looks like she has great rhythm too.
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