Last week me, the girls, and my mom all went up to
Forest Grove to visit Brianne and her family. We had such a good time. We took a quick trip to
IKEA which both my mom and I agreed wasn't long enough, went to a play place called Out to this world, and hung around the house. Scott was busy with school but we did go up and see the campus one night. We were
guinea pigs for him and he looked at our eyes and tested his skills on us :) Mom also watched all the kids so that Brianne and I could even go running every morning!
Thanks mom!! After all the kids were asleep we made
pop corn (we all have a deep love for a big bowl of homemade popcorn) and watched movies and just talked. I
love going up to see Brianne and I wish that I lived closer to her. She is my best friend and when me, my mom, and her get together we have so much fun!!

Annie and Ryan loved the play kitchen and play house at the play place.

Nanny and the girls on the race track!

Me and Annie, we love Auntie and Ryan!

Ezra and
Macey. They are
soooo cute and good little babies! They are wearing their matching outfits from Nanny.

Everyone wearing their
ice cream jammies. We are so surprised that we got a picture where
everyone is cooperating!
All the girls!
ok Britney you guys look so much like your mom. I never thought you and Brianne looked alike until i just now saw your mom. CRAZY! So, you mention Forest Grove and I can't remember if we've talked about this before, but Brett's Dad is from forest grove. His mom and brother still live there and his cousin is going to Pacific Optometry school. I vaguely remember a connection. What it is again?
You ladies are beautiful! And how fun to have kids so close in age. I'm glad you had a good time up there. I'm envious that you're running!
Love the post. You git a ton of cute pics. You may see a few of the same on my blog. Oh well. I loved having you here and miss you already. You are my BEST FRIEND and I love you. Can't wait to see you again soon!! Oh yeah, way to go on the treats you are SO good.
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