Rex was hanging out with my brothers one night down stairs so we the girls were all cozy in our bed watching Ratatouille before bed. I love this picture, we are all doing something different! Annie is such a cheese!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Macey is 5 months!
Holy cow I can't believe that I am posting this! Really, 5 months......ok that went by much faster than I thought it would. I was thinking the other morning in the shower that because Macey was born before a bunch of holidays I think that is why time has been flying by. But again that is my theory. Anyway moving on! Macey is a great baby. She is laughing a ton, mostly at Annie and likes to be tickled in the ribs. She still wakes up once in the middle of the night but I am totally ok with that. She is ultra sucky and will gnaw on anything :) She is perfect in every way and I just love my sweet girls. Annie is a great big sister and likes to hold Macey's hand in the car and give her toys and her binkie. Life is great and I am so blessed!
She kept tipping forward and wouldn't give up the spoon! That's ok, she is so animated anyway. Love her! I couldn't just pick one......
Just hanging out after church, all sitting on moms lap, I just love to squeeze my girls!
Rex was hanging out with my brothers one night down stairs so we the girls were all cozy in our bed watching Ratatouille before bed. I love this picture, we are all doing something different! Annie is such a cheese!
Rex was hanging out with my brothers one night down stairs so we the girls were all cozy in our bed watching Ratatouille before bed. I love this picture, we are all doing something different! Annie is such a cheese!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
We all scream for ice cream!
I made these cupcakes for a baby shower and they turned out sooo cute!! I wanted them to look like different kinds of ice cream cones. Mint chip, vanilla with a cherry, and rocky road. It was really fun creating them! My brother found the little spoons at COLDSTONE and had to schmooze over the girl working there to fork them over and they are the perfect finishing touch!

Wanna lick?
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Happy Love Day!
Well, I hope that everyone had a good Valentines day! How wonderful that if happened to fall on a Saturday. In preparation for this lovely day we made sugar cookies!! Hey, if there is a holiday that can be celebrated with a cookie cutter, you know that we will be making and decorating cookies! I love to just sit there and relaxing. Anyway, we had a great day. Spending time as a family! I made Rex breakfast in bed and we exchanged gifts :) He got me a really cute ROXY watch, and lots of goodies! Then he stayed at home with the girls (thanks honey)so I could go to a step class with my mom at the gym. So fuN!! Next we made a chocolate cheesecake while the girls were napping and took Annie to play at the play place in the mall. We came home and made dinner and my parents took Annie to see BOLT (thanks mom and dad!) while we stayed at home with the moo and watched a movie and had our decedent dessert! It was a great day, and I am so grateful that my husband shows me that he loves me everyday of the year!!
Oh happy day!
Happy Birthday Papa!
Last week on the 10th we celebrated my dad's (papa) birthday! Nothing big and fancy but we did open gifts and have very yummy strawberry rhubarb cake! I never know what to get my dad for any holiday so this year I gave him a certificate to come over next week and I am going to make dinner and dessert for us all. Then we are going to watch a movie too! We love you papa!
Annie was front and center for all the action!
Papa got "Planet Earth" from the boys. Very cool gift, if you haven't seen this dvd series you good!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
My turkeys
I always call my girls turkeys, I am not sure why, but they make good turkeys. Especially Annie, she fits the description well always on the move and always trying to get away with something. Anyway, a good friend of our family came to visit after Christmas and took some pictures of the girls that are so cute! Thanks so much Scott!!
I love Macey's cute expression! And Annie actually has a non-goofy smile :)
Who wouldn't love to kiss a round bald head?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Box of Chocolates
Well, I was finally able to test out my new cookbook that my mom got me for Christmas! My very good friend Shauna had her cute baby girl last week so I was really excited to make her a yummy "way to go" treat! I started with one of the easier creations because I didn't want to have a disaster cup cake mess on my first try. But it actually turned out really good! It was fun too! These cup cakes are supposed to resemble a box of chocolates. I am really excited to have another reason to bake someone a treat...... anyone having a b-day soon?

Side by side, not to shabby!
Side by side, not to shabby!
To Forest Grove we go!
Last week me, the girls, and my mom all went up to Forest Grove to visit Brianne and her family. We had such a good time. We took a quick trip to IKEA which both my mom and I agreed wasn't long enough, went to a play place called Out to this world, and hung around the house. Scott was busy with school but we did go up and see the campus one night. We were guinea pigs for him and he looked at our eyes and tested his skills on us :) Mom also watched all the kids so that Brianne and I could even go running every morning! Thanks mom!! After all the kids were asleep we made pop corn (we all have a deep love for a big bowl of homemade popcorn) and watched movies and just talked. I love going up to see Brianne and I wish that I lived closer to her. She is my best friend and when me, my mom, and her get together we have so much fun!!
Annie and Ryan loved the play kitchen and play house at the play place.
All the girls!
Annie and Ryan loved the play kitchen and play house at the play place.
All the girls!
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