Just a few pictures of us staying busy. I am looking forward to Valentines Day. I love that it is totally ok to be romantically cheesy and spoil my husband. I have lots of goodies planned for him :) It is going to be great! We have a busy week coming up full of cookie making and decorating, activity days to plan and operate, my dad's birthday, and Valentines day prep!! Yeah!!

Here is my cute Valentine's Day banner I made!! I love my cricut...have I ever mentioned that :)

The other day I heard Macey wake up from her nap, when I went in the girls room I found this ....... CUTE!

And then this..... so happy to be awake. Macey loves to play with Annie.

Classy, I know. But for the record, it was washed out and ready to recycle. Funny though.
Did you start chanting, "Ma-cey! Ma-cey!" when you saw her with the milk jug?
Um, is that the banner we were going to make together? I think you're keeping your cricut from me on purpose! : ) It's nice when siblings are friends.
I love the banner! YOu are so talented!
I was wondering about your blocks... we are making some for R.S. We will have "home", "family", and "love". I'm just not sure how to go about doing the wood!? What did you do for yours? I heard you can buy a long 2x4 at HOme Depot and they can cut it there for you, but i just didn't know what dimensions to do! Just wondering if what you did with yours might help me out...
Thanks so much!
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