Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Weekend

We had a long and fun weekend. We were able to spend time with all of our family which is always nice! Saturday we spent the day in Sweet Home with Rex's parents, his brother and his family. We always enjoy ourselves at their house.The kids always get lots of exercise and fresh air! Then Sunday we again enjoyed the weather and had a little picnic after church with friends at a beautiful rose garden park in town. Monday we barbecued at my parents and of course had smores'. It was nice to be able to celebrate those who give their lives so we might be free. Rex and I both have grandparents who did so and for them we are grateful. :)

Macey going for a wagon ride..... cute!

Annie loves to swing, I think she spent a good 45 minutes being pushed

The guys playing horseshoes, they are really good brothers

Rex and his girls relaxing on a blanket in the yard

A few family pictures....

We are so blessed, I love my sweet family.

1 comment:

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Cute family pictures. It sounds like you had a really fun weekend. I really need to post our pics, yikes!