Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ducks, Smores' and more!

This past weekend we had so much fun for my mom's birthday! My sister and her family came down and surprised my mom and we always have a good time when she comes over. We fed the crazy geese at Alton Baker Park, had a bbq and roasted marshmallows, and had a family birthday dinner on Sunday. We spent time in my parents lovely newly landscaped backyard and enjoyed the warm weather!!

Feeding the ducks..... the girls were very generous and were giving the ducks whole slices!

Me and Annie. Some of those geese were bigger than Annie so she wanted to be held! I don't blame her, they are very aggressive!

Trying to take a group photo, it kinda worked :)

Papa and Macey just relaxing after church on the lawn.

The babes... Ezra likes touching Maceys face:)

What a lovely day, it was perfect and all the kids loved the fresh air.

Everyone roasting marshmallows and making smores, yum!
The girls were keeping a close eye on all the goodies, as you can see they had their share of sugar for the evening!
All the mamas!
Me and my honey...he's such a hottie!


Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Love the pics! I still need to post mine. We had such a good time, and as always it felt too short. Miss you already and can't wait to see you soon! Love you!

Unknown said...

Those geese ARE crazy and aggressive. I'm glad all the kids survived with fingers intact.