Here are a few pictures from when we were at the temple. Rex's dad is so good about taking tons of pictures! We had a great time and it always feels so good to be there. We are extremely blessed to live so close to such a beautiful temple. I love being able to share this experience with my sweet husband.

Whenever we go to the Portland temple, it always reminds me of the day we were married, wow time flies!

Here are the guys, they think they are so funny. The truth is I was laughing so hard when I was taking this picture.
I really like the picture of you two you are such a CUTE couple. The picture of the guys is a perfect example of each of their personalities too.
What goofs, they sure do know how to have a good time together. We had so much fun with you guys. Seth is having fun "planning" all the things him and Rex are going to do now that we will be closer.
That red coat is soooo cute! Oh yeah, the temple is great too. :)
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