Macey is now 11 days old and doing great!! She is a really sweet baby and as of now her favorite things to do are sleep and eat, but we love her! She is a
snuggler too and loves to be held. I just love holding her so she fits right in here. Annie is constantly kissing her and always saying, "hold
Macey". She is a good big sister and helps get diapers and wipes. We have had a fun week because Brianne has been down here with her two kids!! I love when our family all gets together. It is always so much fun and it is good to see everyone laughing and spending time together. Having all the babies together has been fun for my parents too!! Annie and Ryan are little buddies and play really well together. Over all, being a mom of two has been great and thank goodness for Rex and my mom and all of their help we are adjusting wonderfully!!
Annie loves holding Macey
My sweet family
Little Macey, she is so sweet!!

All the kids together!! Annie, Macey, Ryan and Ezra!

Nanny with all her grand kids!! It is still hard for me to believe that she is a nanny!!

Bryce got away from firefighting for a day to come and visit!! Annie just loves him and he is kind enough to read books and play with her!! What a good uncle!
Those are great family pictures! I'm glad you're having a good time with your family. I love Annie's lip-curl smile.
Yeah for Macey and your family! I'm glad I get to know you and your Mom better. Now I need to hold her.
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