Monday, April 30, 2012

Walking Machine

Olivia is officially walking! Yeah! It is really cute. She still crawls using 1 knee and her other foot, but for the most part she gets around by wobbling and walking like a baby robot. I got this video a about a week ago and it was so cute I had to share. Don't mind all the toys in the back round.....that is how it is around here until everyone is sleeping :)
The girls inform me all day how many steps she has taken. They are just as excited as I am!

Here is a picture of my new hair cut. I know, super exciting. But it kinda is because I went crazy and got 5 inches off and cut bangs! Wow, I am so wild.

 We went on a hike over the weekend which was really fun....until Annie fell down and cut her hand and her hip. Then Macey fell and Olivia was tired of being in the backpack :) But it was fun to get outside and enjoy time together, even if everyone was crying :)

I have so many pictures of my kids sleeping funny. I can't help myself. She is too cute!


Unknown said...

Lol. That last pic is AWESOME! I LOVE your new hairdo too! Have you ever had bangs before? You look beautiful!

amydear said...

I love seeing Olivia in Kate's jammies! She is so cute. The hike story cracks me up. Glad you are having fun.