I think I am still in shock. I am having a hard time comprehending that my sweet baby is 1. I cried a little bit yesterday because no matter how much I try to convince myself she is a tiny baby.... I know that she is getting bigger and growing up a little each day.
Olivia has a special place in my heart. Well, all my girls do of course and I love them ALL more than anything in the world, but I believe that Olivia saved me. I was so sad all the time after my mom died that no matter what I did I didn't ever feel happy like I used to. We had been wanting a baby for some time and after months and months we finally found out that I was pregnant. I remember falling to my knees in thanks and gratitude for a new baby to love. I remember crying, but this time they weren't tears of sadness, they were tears of joy. Finally, I was happy. I felt good again. I felt normal and couldn't wait to love and hold this new baby that was in the spirit world with my mom.
The day she was born I remember so vividly being overwhelmed with happiness. I couldn't stop smiling and that is how it has been ever since. Olivia is so good. Good sleeper, content and happy, puts up with the girls dragging her around, holding her in what looks like a pro wrestling move, does great in the car, loves to eat, snuggle, plays great and loves me. Happy birthday my sweet baby girl. Thank you for coming into our lives. I love you.

She is my April fools baby so of course I had to make fun treats! Burger cupcakes and sugar cookie fries! They were a hit! I tricked Annie and told her they were real fries. The look on her face when she took a bite of they fry.....pure. happiness.

Then I made acorn candies. The kids loved these ...... and so did Rex.

And sushi rice crispy treats. Fun, huh? She will always have fun parties :)

We had friends and family over for a little party. I know that she has no idea what is going on..... but any reason to hang out with all the people I love, I will take it! Here is her own little cake, cute! She wasn't quite sure what to do because up to this moment she has never had any kind of sweets.....but

she loved it and made a huge mess.....yes!

Opening all her little gifts. Some books, clothes and a play smart phone. Now hopefully she will stop sucking on mine :) Isn't her hat awesome? I got it from my sister and all my kids love it. She wore it all day long. Cute!

Me and my baby. LOVE YOU!