The girls LOVE bubbles... we go through a ridiculous amount of the bubbly stuff
Pretty Annie laughing and chasing bubbles
So I was taking pictures of all us girls together and right as I am snapping the photo, I look over at Macey and this is what I see.... lovey, so lady-like :)
I love this baby!! She is so sweet and I can't get enough of her. She is getting more into a routine and we have even seen a few smiles! Now, if I can catch one with the camera!
Annie LOVES hopscotch. We make crazy, bright patterns on the ground and she plays for days on it! She has pretty good balance, too!
Posing by the tree
We take watercolors outside and they paint on paper and on the all washes away so why not :)
Rex and I went out on a little date to dinner and we had a blast! Olivia slept the whole time in her seat, so we just laughed and enjoyed good conversation and food! Love dates like that :)