I can't believe that Macey it 2!! Wow, time really does fly, which makes me sad. Macey is such a GOOD girl, she sleeps great, eats like a champ, plays good with Annie and loves to snuggle with me :) I love my sweet girl and I am so grateful that she is part of our family! We had a great time celebrating her birthday with friends and family. She had her little friends over for hippo cupcakes and we also had family over for dinner! Macey loved every minute of it. Happy birthday my sweet Macey moo, I LOVE YOU

Hippo cupcakes, they turned out cute!

She loves blowing out her candles, so we did it a couple of times....it only comes once a year so why not :)

she go new blocks that she was excited about

all her little friends and Jillian, the oldest of the bunch but is so sweet to these girls:)

Really excited about opening presents!!

Me and my sweet girl

Testing out the blocks, they are fun and we have built many castles and houses

My little girl just a couple of days old.....