Well, we are trying to get back in the swing of things and last weekend we had a good distraction. REX GRADUATED!! He officially has his masters degree in school counseling. His family all came down and we went to the ceremony (which wasn't that long, yeah! :) and then had a little bbq party after. I am so proud of Rex. For the last 2 years he has gone to school, worked 2 jobs, had homework, group projects, tests, papers.....taken care of all of us, found time to hurt himself mountain biking and he never complained. I am grateful for his hard work and dedication so that we can have a good life. What an amazing man! I LOVE you Rex and I am so proud of you!!
Now..... we have to find a job! Wish us luck!

Rex and the Dean of NCU

Me,Rex and Dad. Dad encouraged Rex 2 years ago to pursue a masters degree..... thanks dad!! You are a great example to us!

Everyone is so proud! Rex and his family.

I can't believe that he is done! Wow, it went by pretty fast.....well when we were in the middle of it it didn't seem like it, but yeah, all done!

Of course I had to make cupcakes!! look at all those little graduation hats... so cute!!
Brittany, you are so amazing!:) Only you would make cute little cupcakes with all that you have been going through. I look up to you so much! Love you! Stephanie (from Gringos)
Such cool cupcakes! Congratulations Rex!
Ariana and Renee
Yay Rex! What an accomplishment. Brittany, you are such a strong woman... don't forget that he is lucky to have you too!
I LOVE the cupcakes.
Hooray for Master Rex! Can I call him that? Those cupcakes look great! Can you help me make some for Jonas' party?
Way to go Rex!! We're so proud of you. Brit, I love the cupcakes! You are the best. I miss you tons!
I'm glad to see you smiling. Congrats again to Rex.
Congrats Rex!
Congratulations! What a lot of work. Good luck with the job hunting. I hope you find the perfect job in the perfect place. Your cupcakes are amazing, I wouldn't expect anything less. You have always been creative and amazing with everything you bake. I love you Britney! If you want to put some of your slings on my website just let me know.
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