My sweet mom passed away suddenly on Friday from Acute Leukemia. We had no idea until it was too late. I miss her so much. I can't believe she is gone. I know that Heavenly Father needed her to come home and I know she is in a better place but it is hard for me to believe that she isn't her. We did everything together....everything. We shared a calling at church, we went grocery shopping every Thursdays at 10:30, watched chick flicks, went to wal-mart, jo-annes, target, bank...everywhere together. And then we were at their house almost everyday. She is perfect. She made everyone a better person, especially me. I am so grateful that she is mine. I am so glad she taught me how to be a friend, mom, wife, a good person. Because of her I am going to be better and make this world better. She was perfect for my dad and watching their marriage over my life made me the wife I am today. There is so much more I want to say to her, so much more I want to write. I love her and she will forever be with me. I know that someday I will see her again because I know that families are forever. But, it hurts so bad. I had no idea that anything would hurt like this. I have an amazing dad and family and we will be stronger together. I miss you and I love you mom.

Night hike in Scotland, I always wanted to be a mom, just like her

Best friends forever, the best parents in the world

At the William Wallace castle in Scotland

The best Nanny. She made all their ties, dresses, pj's, ....she is amazing
I am sorry for your loss. I don't think you'll ever know how many people your moms life truly touched. I loved watching your relationship with your mom how close you were, and seeing all the crafty things you guys did, it made me want to be that much better. I am glad I was able to see that kind of example. You guys are in our thoughts an prayers.
My heart is breaking for you. I am sorry for your loss and for the sadness you are feeling. Ivan and I will be out of the country and will miss your mother's service. I am sorry we won't be there. Please know that our thoughts and prayers have been and will be, with you and your whole family.
Love Rebecca
I am at a loss for words. I am soo sorry to hear of your loss, and you and your family are in our prayers. Sorry again, She was a wonderful lady.
i wish i could call you right now. ahh. my heart is reaching out to you and your family. it is so hard to lose a mom. i'm am still lacking in the words that can give you comfort, but know my thoughts and prayers are with you all. for me, i know the words people said to me didn't help. I was sad, angry, confused...a whole mixture of emotions. But the blessing that we have of knowing about eternity and where she is now is what brought me the rays of comfort. that were not strong...or all the time at first. but they grow.
please let me know if there is anything at all I can do. be willing to accept the help from those around you
and. please know you can call if ever you need an ear. 801-368-6721.
i am sending hugs your way.
big hugs!
I don't know what to say but I am so sorry! I know how much your mom meant to you and know this is a really rough time right now, but know that it will get easier with time. Take comfort in the gospel and know that we are praying for you and your family! Let me know if I can do anything! Love you! Brittany
Thank you for sharing those words about your mom. You are a wonderful example of happiness and love.
Your mother was and is truly amazing and I feel so lucky to have known her. I'm so sorry for your loss. Our family is praying for your family.
Renee Buchanan
Britney, she was the best. When we were young mothers, we used to go grocery shopping together too! Your post brought back that fun memory. Your mom would go through the grocery ads each week and would plan our shopping route accordingly. We'd hit all the sales with you, Brianne, Bryce & Grant in tow - four car seats in my VW van! By the time we would be through, we usually had four crying little ones, but we always had a fun time together. Miss her and love you all.
She's so beautiful in all these pictures. Thanks for sharing them, and all the memories. She was a remarkable, inspirational woman. I'm glad I knew her.
Your family is in our prayers. We are so sorry, and hope that you can be comforted in this difficult time. There is an excellent chapter in the Joseph Smith manual (last year) about losing loved ones if you find the time to read it.
Harold B. Lee - "to those who are yearning for an inward peace to quiet their fears, to ease the aching heart, to bring understanding, to look beyond the sordid trials of today and see a fruition of hopes and dreams in a world beyond mortality...
In a few words may I call attention to the promises in the scriptures and explain them briefly that in this message I might bring understanding, peace, and hope.
The Master indicated the source from which ultimate peace would come when he said to his disciples, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27.)"
Please let us know if there is anything we can do.
I am really sorry. I just want you to know that I think you are as amazing as your mom. I've looked up to you in so many ways and I know that you learned so many of these wonderful things from your mother. Love you and will pray for your comfort and understanding.
So sorry for your families loss. Just in the hour I met your mom taking pictures last year I knew she was special and an amazing mom. There are just some people you can tell that from the instant you meet them, and she was one of them.
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