Well being that it is a new year I have made like 1,000 resolutions. Ok, let's call them goals or things to be accomplished. A lot of them are projects that I want to do, things I want to make, fun and easy. Well, so far I have been very productive. Here are so pictures of my latest finished products....... Oh, I actually do have resolutions. To name a few, go to bed earlier (Rex and I are night owls), practice the piano every week, read more books (that aren't Twilight.... that one will be hard :) Moving on.............

Ok, this I am proud of only because it took a long time to make! I made Annie and my niece Ryan each a quite book for church! They turned out great! I worked on them every night for 2 weeks leading up to Christmas! Whoo! This page it the alphabet that matches an animal for every letter.

This page is to make ocean scenes with different animals and ocean life. I also did a jungle page too.

This is one of my favorites, shapes!

And we must practice our colors too :) There are also pages for Annie and Macey to color on with washable makers too. This book is great. I can make more pages and it keeps Annie and Rex busy at church for like a half an hour! :)

Cute huh? Wondering what it is? It is a needle holder. Perfect for me, for some reason my pin cushion eats my needles, but not anymore!

See, handy right? I love the bird and colors.

Annie and I made finger puppets, it is a mouse :) I love using felt! I have lots of projects coming up with felt!

And my little sewing helper. Don't worry I am a good mom and this is a little kid pin cushion with NO pins in it :) Well, a new week starts tomorrow and I have lot of stuff to create! .........and laundry to do :)