I had the best week last week! My sister and her cute kids came down to visit and we had a week full of crafts, laughing, and playing! It was so much fun, I mean I always have fun when we hang out, but when all us girls get together it is smiles all around!Plus, we got tons done. We worked sun up to sun down and played with the kids everywhere in between! I love Brianne so much and I am grateful that she is my best friend. My mom is awesome and helped a ton with the kids, made us dinner every single night, dessert and helped out with all our crafting needs!! Thanks for everything mom!! Thanks Brianne for coming down, we love you! And a huge thanks to my sweet hubby who put our kiddies to bed every night so I could stay late with the girls!! Thanks honey, I LOVE YOU!
These babies did so great!! They played good together and are so darn cute, even if they are eating cheerios off the floor...

First we started by making our kids Halloween costumes. All the girls are going to be cows... more pictures to come on Halloween :)

Annie and Ryan just love each other. They entertained each other all week! What good girls. Just having pop corn and enjoying some sun shine.

Look at that table!
Ahhh! Yeah that happened everyday and then we would clean it up and start over again the next day. Here we are making our NOEL Christmas banners. So cute!


All done, I love it! Thanks to my cricut which I also love so much!!

A close up of one of my favorites.

Last, we made
FHE signs. It took a couple of days, but we finished them! Yeah, what a fun week!

A closer look....

The girls make dipped pretzels, or what we like to call: princess wands!

It was so much fun and I am so grateful to have family so close!!
We love you so much and had SO MUCH fun! We were so productive and I loved every minute. I can't wait to come back. Love you and thank you so much for all your help!!
Wow Brit, you never cease to amaze me with your craftiness! I admire you because I dislike crafts...a lot. One of these days when I get my own house I am going to hire you to decorate it with those darling crafts! :)
Glad you had a nice time with your family!
MIss you so much already! Is New Moon out yet? I wish we lived closer. 2 hours is too far apart. Love you!!
Wow! What fun. I can't say much more except I'm totally jealous of your crafts. And I have yet to see the Cricut in action. Can't wait!
Those look great, especially the FHE sign. I've wanted one of those for some time. Maybe you can coach me on it. I have a favor of you and your Cricut. maybe after your boutique sale?
I love the crafts! I wish we lived close so we could be crafty together and you could teach me to sew. I still haven't even used my nice sewing machine and I get really bored reading the how to books. Anyways, I was just letting you know we will be in Sweet Home Dec 17th (night)- Dec 24th so we have to get together this time! I still haven't even met Macey and Anne is already all grown up! It better not snow five feet again!
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