Thursday, July 30, 2009

Too Hot to Handle

Over here in Eugene we have been in the middle of a heat wave!! I am telling you, we were dying! Our awesome apartment has no air conditioning and the upstairs literally turns into an oven, trying to cook us alive! So to keep sane, we have been doing lots of swimming, shopping in the freezer section, and hanging out at out friends house for dinner! Thanks to Amy and Kyle we didn't have to turn on our oven. It was a hot couple of days, but tonight it feels great, nice and cool.
This is about 1 am on Monday night. It was so hot that we moved the girls downstairs right in front of the door and fan. My brother had to bring the crib over from my parents house, then we set it up and moved the babies. So for 3 nights, me and the girls had sleepovers downstairs together. Now Annie thinks it is fun and wants permanently move her room to our living room :)


Unknown said...

Fun sleepover! I bet you're glad it's done now. I'm so glad it cools down at night. We had fun last night; thanks for coming over.

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

I know EXACTLY what you mean! We have all been sleeping in the kids room together with the air conditioner blasting! I hate this heat. Today is better.