Friday, October 31, 2008
Pumpkin Carving Time!
Last night we had a pumpkin carving party. Ok, maybe not a party but my brother Bryce came over and carved pumpkins with us while we watched "THE HULK". Very appropriate I guess because he is a scary green man. We had fun and Annie once again had a reason to take all her clothes off :) We are looking forward to putting our candles in them tonight!
Isn't this "Incredible" :) Can you tell what movie we watch around here ....... Rex is a pumpkin carving champ, very impressive!
The girls and their pumpkins, Macey is just as excited as Annie :)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Halloween Party
We went to our church Halloween party and had a great time! Brianne and her family were down too so the girls were all fairies. Our ward does a great job at parties and there was homemade chili, tons of games for kids, treats, a cotton candy machine, and a trunk or treat. It was really fun to see all the costumes too!
After a long night of parting :)
Last year Halloween party......what a cute zebra!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Cute Funny Pictures
Here are a few pictues that make me smile! I just love my girls and they make me laugh everyday.
Macey and her first bath in the tub! She loves the warm water and cries when we take her out.
Annie loves to color naked, she is happiest with no clothes on :)
I came down the stairs yesterday and I couldn't see Annie anywhere, when I called out her name I heard a little "mom" coming from under the bar. She loves to put her animals in little houses. She calls them her babies.
Macey is quite the snuggler. She is in her swing here. She starts on her back and then curls up on to her side and sticks out her is really cute!
She loves hats and actually likes to wear them too!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Pumpkin Picking
On Saturday we went to a pumpkin patch to find the perfect pumpkin for Halloween. We had such a good time. We went on a hayride out to the patch, looked at goats, played in the hay maze, and saw lots of scarecrows! It was so fun to be bundled up and spend a Saturday as a family.
Annie loved the tractor, even though she looks like she's not sure.
All the girls, Annie loved running on the maze, and Macey slept in the front pack :)
This was the first time that Rex, Annie, and Macey had ever been to a pumpkin patch.
A big pumpkin to sit on and rest.
Looking for the perfect pumpkin.
What a great day!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Ezra's Blessing Day
Last weekend we packed up the car and drove up to Forest Grove and spent the weekend with my sister and her family. Ezra was blessed on Sunday and we are grateful that we could be a part of it. We had such a good time visiting and the girls just LOVE playing together. It is really nice because they entertain themselves so it gives all of us to just visit and hang out. We spent time at the park, ordered yummy pizza and just hung out. My parents and brother Brady came up on Sunday for church and we all spent time together in the afternoon. I love being around Brianne, she is my best friend and we always have so much fun together. Hopefully someday we will live even closer to each other!
Modeling our matching slings
Attempting to take a family picture where everyone is smiling.......we did pretty good!
My Rex and Macey, she loves to be wrapped up tight!
The girls, they were always laughing and screaming about something!! They are so funny!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
All grown up!
Our little Macey went in for her 2 week check up. She did great at the doctors office and was very cooperative. She now weighs 8 lbs. 8 oz.!! She is growing like a weed and loves to eat!! The doctor checked her ears, throat, and eyes and said that she is just perfect. We are so proud of her and love her more and more each day. When I look at her I still can't believe that she is my sweet girl , what a blessing. Things are going smooth around here. Back to doing laundry, cooking dinner and cleaning house, and the girls are cooperating great! We are just a happy little family enjoying the fall season. I am so grateful that Macey is our daughter and I just love being a mom to our 2 girls!

Friday, October 10, 2008
Fun at the park
Today was a beautiful fall day and we went to the park as a family. Rex had the day off so it was nice to just all be together! Annie LOVES the park and being outside, even if it is cold, so we try to go as often as we can. This park is right next to Cal Young, the middle school that Rex works at. It is very close and really nice! Macey was nice a cozy in her sling while Rex and Annie played on the structures and ran all over!
All the girls swinging!
Annie loves to swing. We usually have to convince her to get down and try something else :)

Me and Macey, but you can barely see her!

Uncle Pete and Aunt Christine would be so proud of her rock climbing skills!

Made it to the top. Annie loves to run and jump to Rex off the top!
Me and Macey, but you can barely see her!
Uncle Pete and Aunt Christine would be so proud of her rock climbing skills!
Made it to the top. Annie loves to run and jump to Rex off the top!
Friday, October 3, 2008
First week at Home
Macey is now 11 days old and doing great!! She is a really sweet baby and as of now her favorite things to do are sleep and eat, but we love her! She is a snuggler too and loves to be held. I just love holding her so she fits right in here. Annie is constantly kissing her and always saying, "hold Macey". She is a good big sister and helps get diapers and wipes. We have had a fun week because Brianne has been down here with her two kids!! I love when our family all gets together. It is always so much fun and it is good to see everyone laughing and spending time together. Having all the babies together has been fun for my parents too!! Annie and Ryan are little buddies and play really well together. Over all, being a mom of two has been great and thank goodness for Rex and my mom and all of their help we are adjusting wonderfully!!

Bryce got away from firefighting for a day to come and visit!! Annie just loves him and he is kind enough to read books and play with her!! What a good uncle!
My sweet family
Little Macey, she is so sweet!!
All the kids together!! Annie, Macey, Ryan and Ezra!
Nanny with all her grand kids!! It is still hard for me to believe that she is a nanny!!
Bryce got away from firefighting for a day to come and visit!! Annie just loves him and he is kind enough to read books and play with her!! What a good uncle!
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