We had a great holiday weekend spending time with ALL of Rex's family in Sweet Home. Rex has a great family. I love them all. He has the best siblings that are all really fun, easy to talk to, down to earth and have great families. His parents are amazing. I LOVE them too! They always make us feel right at home and they would do ANYTHING for any of their kids..... I have seen it and they are so loving. I am truly blessed to be part of this family. So, here is what we did.....

Annie holding baby Brad, the newest member of the Basting family. He was blessed on Sunday so we had fun at Seth and Amber's with lots of yummy food! Next,

Rex and I met Troy! He is Rex's sister new baby! He is so stinking cute! With in the last 5 months 3 new babies have arrived.

Well, since so many people were visiting we were lucky enough to be put up in a hotel for the night. The girls loved it! We let them just on the bed as much as they wanted and then the slept like rocks..... :)

Me and Olivia soaking up some sun.....

Annie ridding the scooter. There was so much to do outside. They had swinging, chalk, bubbles, frisbee, bikes ,pool and a slip n'slide. The kids were wiped out by the afternoon!

Annie and Natalie playing in the little pool.

All my cute girls wearing their 4th of July clothes..... I love this holiday. It is so much fun!

Aunt Shana had the great idea of doing all the girls nails in 4th of July colors. So, Annie wanted flags, so I painted flags and she loved them! Love fun traditions like this!
We had a blast and I am so grateful for my life and the freedom that we enjoy!
Looks like you had a great time. I love your patriotic sunglasses too.
All the pictures are so cute! And the one of you and Olivia, your face looks so thin. Yeesh, I hope I can bounce back the way you have. You look awesome. I am glad that you had such a good time!
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