Yesterday we took a day trip to the Oregon Coast Aquarium. It was sooo much fun! We had the best time and the weather was beautiful. The girls loved all the different exibits espically the otters, sea lions, and puffins. Macey even touched a star fish! I love those kind of days where everything goes perfect and everyone is happy. We are having a wonderful spring break.... and we love having Rex home!

Rex and Annie looking at a school of fish

Macey touching the star fish, she loved the water!

The girls loved the fish!! It was really cute to watch them be so intrested!

Me and Annie, took a picture while we were looking at the giant star fish

Watching the sea lions swim, so very graceful!
Diver Annie
Outside the Aquarium
Another family picture taken by a nice little old man :)
Macey LOVED watching the puffins! She was laughing and screaming!
Always nice to run into those little old men. Geez, Rex, watch where you're going. Glad you had a good day. 10 points to Macey for enthusiasm!
What a perfect day for it! We were in Newport, too. But we went to the ocean tide pools instead.
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