We haven't really been doing anything around here that has been blog worthy but it bothers me when I go to long in between posts.....so here are our sidewalk stories. Here are a few pictures of what we do when the weather is nice....

We needed to take the car seats out for a little bit and the girls thought that is was so much fun to sit in them. Apparently car seats are so much better on the sidewalk than when they are in the car :)

Macey and Annie love to "paint" with water :) It is so wonderful because it dries in no time and they think they are really painting. Yesterday we had to stop Macey from drinking the dirty paint water, lovely.

We LOVE chalk! Whoever invented sidewalk chalk is a genius and I love them. We do hopscotch, trace shadows, and practice writing our names. Sometimes it gets a little carried away and find drawings on the door, bench, car tires, clothes, and Annie sometimes colors Macey :)

I have been loving the sunny weather aside that it has been a little windy. Oh well. I am very excited for spring break and spending some time as a family! I have projects to work on, crafts, job hunting, cooking, and family to all look forward too!! And hopefully more exciting pictures too :)