Today Annie threw the biggest fit ever! She was flopping all over like a fish out of water. Odds are that my mom was there to witness the whole thing. Great,what a wonderful example of my well behaved children :) Macey and I just stood back and watched the show. I tried really hard not to laugh when I cracked her door open and dropped her new favorite stuffed animal on the floor as a peace offering and she opened the door back up and threw that animal back at me as if it was on fire. I smiled to myself as it hit me in the shin and plopped onto the floor. She really is a sweet girl, but I guess every once and a while you just have too let it out!

The aftermath. Nothing more soothing then a sippy, blanket and napping in moms bed.
On a more cheerful note, I just thought this was cute. Why get a double stroller when you can squeeze 2 kids, 5 stuffed animals and 1 binki in a stroller just to go check the mail?
Britney you are a great mom and your kids are beautiful! And as for the tantrum ... oh well, you handled it JUST RIGHT! Just laughing and shaking your head is the best reaction. I mean what can we do? And as for Mom, you know that we did that too and weren't perfectly well-behaved all the time the way she remembers it :)
Cute! Love the stroller picture! So funny that you packed all that in there just to get the mail. I'm glad that Annie was comforted eventually. I'm sure that WE never threw fits, right? :)
sometimes I still throw fits, and kent throws me chocolate as a peace offering,hahah just kidding, well...maybe. Cute pictures!!!
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