Easter weekend was great, except for the fact that everyone was sick :(. We really did have a good time spending time with each other. Brianne and her kids came down and we had a blast. We painted eggs, had a delicious Easter feast, and spent time just laughing as a family. It was nice to be able to think about the Savior and all he did for us and reflect about the true meaning of Easter. He has given me so much and it gave me a chance to sit back and look at all my wonderful blessings a thank my Father in heaven for all I have.

Painting eggs with Brianne, Bryce, and his "friend" Lauren. We had so much fun all sitting around the table.

Easter morning. This year I made Easter boxes. I covered cereal boxes in cute scrap booking paper and then embellished them. Then packed them full of goodies! It was fun to do something different then baskets!

Annie was really excited about her new stuffed hippo and her Bolt movie!

Macey was equally excited about her first sippy and a frog toy.

Ryan and Annie having an Easter egg hunt in the house. We were laughing so hard because Rex "hid" the eggs in the most obvious places, but it still took a minute for the girls to find them :)

My mom is so awesome and made all the girls matching Easter dresses for church! They are so cute and Annie was so excited she wore hers two days in a row!
Her are Annie and Ryan. I love this picture. Their dresses are so cute, especially with their bloomers too! The are best little buddies.