Saturday, October 29, 2011


One of the neat things about living in a small town is that they have a lot of community involvement. Like.....yesterday all the businesses on Main Street opened their doors and allowed kids to trick or treat into their stores. Wow, what a turn out! It was so cool. Everyone was dressed up and my kids cashed in on the candy!

There we all are. A "nice" witch, cowboy(she really wanted to be a cowboy, not a girl) a cute pumpkin, and me....lame, I don't have a costume.

Walking up and down. There were kids EVERYWHERE

Thought this was cute. Rex took this and I didn't know.

A few pictures from carving pumpkins. Olivia sitting in the pumpkin patch on our counter.

Annie digging out the guts, she thought it was gross and Rex did most of it :)

Olivia trying to get into the guts

And little Macey pulling one seed out at a time.... Rex dug out hers too :)


amydear said...

What about the finished products? We haven't carved yet. I'm kind of hoping the kids forget.

Unknown said...

Can I borrow Macey's chaps sometime? They were sweet!

Lana said...

It looks like you are enjoying life in Cottage Grove. I'm really happy for you. It was great to see your family today.