You might be wondering where I have been. Well, we moved!! Yep, new town, job, the works. It was a bit crazy but we survived and we are all settled in and loving our house!! Thank goodness Rex is kinda like me in that we moved in and had everything in, unpacked, pictures hung, garage organized in a matter of days. I wasn't a total slave driver and he never once complained. It just feels good to be moved in and back to normal, ya know? So here are some pictures showing why life has been busy....

All the girls on the porch. I love this porch. Covered and wraps around the house. They can run, play, scoot, and I have nice big windows to see them.

Just being cute. The girls are really excited about having a house. They love it. They run all over and the open floor plan is wonderful. Not to mention the playroom (I will get a pic of that room soon) to contain all the toys... but somehow a few toys still make their way out into the living room....

See, their they are. My goodness we have a ton of stuffed animals. But that cute baby on the right is mine :) This is the living room. It is hard to take pictures but this is the best angle I could get. Lots more space. Love it!

The kitchen. Oh, I am so happy. Do you see all that counter space? I do and I love it. Not to mention cupboard space too. I love cooking up a storm in there! Love all the sunlight too! I caught Macey yawning....cute!

So a week after moving I thought it would be a grand idea to can pears. I have never canned pears. SO why not start now? It was a bit ambitious but 24 pints of pears later, I did it!! I kinda never want to peel a pear again.

Then days later Macey turned 3!!! I can't believe it! What is going on, my kids are growing at an incredibly fast speed. She was so stinking cute and wore the birthday hat through her special breakfast with her very special cereal :) Love her!!

Then we threw a toy story party (she loves Jessie and Woody, just wait for Halloween) and she had a blast!

Then somewhere in the middle of all this Olivia turned 6 months! AHH, did you know that is half a year? I know, weird, but look at that smile! Oh, I love this baby!!

And most recently (as of today) Annie had her first day of preschool. She loved it! She is standing by her coat hook and Macey wanted to be a part of the action too:) I can't believe Annie is in preschool. My baby. She is so smart and loves to learn. Wow, time flies when you are having fun, and the past 7 years have been super great!!