Rex has 2 days off a week. They are very valuable. One of them is spent attending church, naps, going on afternoon walks, and eating yummy food. (I often go all out on Sunday meals and desserts :) The other day is Monday. What a great day. We always plan something. Last week: the BEACH. We had a blast. The weather was wonderful, we had a spot of sandy beach to ourselves and enjoyed every minute! Being with my family is what truly makes me so happy. I look forward to these days SO much. I love driving home from a trip like this and turning around to look at all my sweet girls. They are perfect. With windblown hair, dirty feet, sleeping so sweet in our car. It makes my heart full and makes me smile.

No trip to the coast is complete without a lunch date to MO'S!

We always hit up the candy shops for taffy and frozen yogurt. Love this picture.

Love this one too, Olivia is there....just sleeping in her seat.

The girls loved this big anchor so we took some photos of the modeling on it.

And one with dad :)

We brought a kite and Macey loved it. She looked so small holding onto the kite, but she insisted she do it herself. Cute!

Love my hot hubby! (and that cute baby squished in between)

Me and my sweet little baby

I love this picture too!! And I love self timers....

I guess our camera has a mind of it's own. It took another picture after or family shot and I like how it turned out. Very unplanned :) What a great day!