Sunday, May 10, 2009

One Spoiled Mama

Happy Mother's Day!
Yes, I was quite happy today. It was absolutely perfect. Rex is such a sweet hubby, he spoiled me rotten today. He made my breakfast this morning. A delicious coffee cake, with fruit and hot chocolate. Then we were spiritually fed at church:) Next he got me some really great presents including new green stoneware baking dishes and he made me a bench!! Yeah, a whole piece of furniture. There is nothing this man can't do! I love it!! Next, he made me a yummy dinner, dessert and watched a chic flick with me. I love him to death! He has been getting hugs and kisses all day! I love being a mother and wife. If I could choose any job, this would be it. My girls are such a blessing and motherhood is so rewarding. It challenges you and blesses you all at the same time. My life is so great and I love my girls and my sweet husband!
Pretty great huh? He is so talented. He said I get to do whatever I want with it! So, I am going to paint it and sand the edges this week to finish it up ! I will show you the finished product!


Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

What a cool bench! Rex did a great job! You are one lucky momma!

amydear said...

I saw him driving back with the bench and I was so impressed! I'll have to get Kyle to make me one. Nice work, Rex!