Thursday, May 14, 2009

Best part of the day....

I just have to tell you one of the best parts of my day. Besides working out, being productive (well as much as I can) spending time with my girls and Rex, one of my favorite parts of my day is right before I go to sleep.
After my girls are both asleep I love to peek into their room and watch them sleep. Then I walk into my room and I just have to smile.The two night stand lights are on and there is a warm glow to our room. The bed is covered in books, toys, binkies, stuffed animals, baby socks and sippys. The covers are pulled back from me and Annie snuggling in them and reading a mountain of books before bed.
As I clean up all the remains of kids playing in our bed, I smile and thank my
Heavenly Father for my wonderful life and for my sweet kids that bring so much love and happiness into my life. Sweet dreams.....


Unknown said...

Beautiful, Britney. you're a great mommy!

amydear said...

How sweet! I love to peek in on my kids too. So peaceful and so much love.

Brittany Rigby said...

Being a mom is the best thing in the world...I agree completely.