Sunday, September 20, 2009

Felt Pumpkin project

My extremely intelligent friend, Amy, shared this GREAT quite time, church, soft toy idea! I am so excited because Annie loves it and it DID occupy her at church today! Thanks Amy! All you do is get some felt from the store (about 30 cents each :) and cut out a pumpkin shape and lots of different eyes, mouths, noses, and accessories (hair bows, mustaches, earrings...). That's it! I am going to make a snowman too with scarfs, hats and button options! Have fun!

Annie couldn't wait until Sunday, we broke it out Friday afternoon!

Hard at work....

Ok, so we veered off subject a little bit, but isn't she cute with a huge black mustache?


Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Cute, cute I love it! Genius. And the possibilities are endless. Cute!

The Graves Family said...

We are making quiet books out of the same felt for our R.S. Super-Saturday. If you want, I could email you some of the patterns/ideas. I made a book for each of my kids and they have been well used. I am totally jealous you have a cricut b.t.w.

Good luck with all your projects.

amydear said...

It was fun, huh? What are we going to do THIS Friday?