Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Just hanging around

Well, not much exciting has been happening around here, just waiting for the rain to stop and the sun to shine! We stay occupied around the house and have done lots of coloring, water colors, and tea parties! I am starting a sewing project making matching pj pants for the girls. Rex just finished one of his classes and started a new one yesterday. He is doing great and cruising right through his masters! We are all so proud of him :) Hopefully the next blog will be more exciting, yeah for spring break next week!!
Macey is so cute and matched our new bedding so I thought that taking a picture would be appropriate!
Ok, this kind of thing happens all the time when I am in the shower. Annie loves to take care of her "babies". She lines them up all over the house. In this case they are all watching a movie. Which she knows how do. I get in the shower and she is playing nice downstairs and then I come down after and she had put a movie in the dvd player, pillows gone, babies lined up, and the tv is on and she is cozy on the couch. Then she claims that all her babies need snacks.......

Annie combing Macey's mullet.... lovey, I know.

And last, I came up with the idea to make a lasagna soup. Rex loves lasagna and soup sounded good so I took all the ingredients for lasagna and made it into a yummy soup with bread sticks!


Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

you are so creative. Look at you ... writing your own recipes! As for the dvd, Ryan knows how also but I am afraid that she will scratch all the dvds pulling them in and out of our ghetto dvd player that doesn't stay open. Love the mullet. Love you

Anonymous said...

Yummy! Please share! Also, I love the new bedspread. Is it Ikea? Very cute! Annie is such a cutie. I love the stuffed animals.