Monday, January 19, 2009

Over the weekend.....

Here are a few pictures of what we did over the weekend. Any time that we spend together is always wonderful!

Annie is modeling a blanket that I finished for one of my best friends. She always comes to me when she knows someone who is having a baby and I love making these quilts!
I made delicious cinnamon rolls on Sunday. There are supposed to be just like cinnabon and let me tell you they were soooo good and tasty. I love making bread type food, it takes longer but I always feel like I accomplished something great!

And look at our Macey moo! She is so strong and is really starting to like her tummy time. Annie always displays an array of toys for her to look at!


amydear said...

Those cinnamon rolls look delicious! And your quilt turned out great. I'll have to learn how to do that sometime. We need to have craft day soon.

Unknown said...

That picture of Macey is adorable! And, um, why was I not invited to help eat cinnamon rolls? Just kidding! They look beautimous! Was that Kim's recipe?

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Annie looks so cute and Macey actually looks completely different. She looks more like Annie to me. I can't wait to see you guys! Good job on the quilt (as usual) you are so talented. Love you

The Graves Family said...

Cute pics. Did you make the cinnamon rolls from scratch? (I'd love your recipe). What are you guys up to lately?