Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Macey turned 5!

I love birthdays. They are so fun. Especially for my kids. I always ask them for a theme and this year Macey told me that she wanted a turtle party. I am not sure how she came up with it, but she was very clear that she wanted a turtle party. So... I went to work on coming up with different ideas. And after looking and thinking and being creative, we had ourselves a turtle party. It was so fun and everything was cute! Lots of green food and green treats and really cute cupcakes. Macey was very happy and she deserves it.... she is so sweet!

I always tell each of my girls that they are all special to me is some way and different from their sisters and I always tell Macey I love her so much because she was my biggest baby. I remember that day so clearly. The day my sweet Macey was born. She was perfect with nice chubby legs. Now she is in pre-school, learning to read, riding her scooter and bike like a pro, taking care of her younger sisters and she is my good eater. She eats all her food. I love her sweet face, beautiful curly soft hair and her little voice. I am so grateful that she is my big baby and is part of our family. I LOVE YOU Macey!!

Here she is with her turtle cake. Yes that is just a turtle toy that I found and stuck it on top, but it looks so cute!!

Turtle cupcakes. I love these. They turned out great!

Turtle shaped bread. The kids loved the bread with butter. We also had green grapes, green oreos, and chocolate dipped pretzels with green sprinkles.

Taking a swing at her pinata.....they did NOT have a turtle. But I don't blame them, it's kinda random.

All her little friends and cousins. We had so much fun! We played hot potato but instead of a potato we used a turtle stuffed animal. We played to the musical stylings of One Direction and when ever the music would stop, all the girls would still be singing. It was hilarious. 

Totally unrelated to any birthday stuff, this cute baby is crawling EVERYWHERE!! She is trying really hard right here to get that marker. I am pretty sure right after I took this she got stuck under our table. :)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A little Catch-up............

I know. It has been forever. I blame it all on our laptop that is 500 years old. It wasn't letting me load pictures or type anything. So I would try and try and then cry a little and try again. And then I gave up. Then my husband comes home from work and I tell him how much I want to blog and how much I miss it. He sits down at our desktop computer and after about 3 minutes he is loading all my summer pictures onto my blog. He is my hero.

So now I am really happy!! I can blog again! I missed it so much! So this post is my catch up post. The last little bit of wonderful summer in photos. Then I will be caught up and ready for the best time of the year. When all the fun holidays arrive. Oh yeah. 

The girls both took swimming lessons this summer. It was fun to watch them every morning. Macey loved the water. She was in the guppy class, which is the cutest swim class name....ever.

Annie loved her teacher and loved using the kick boards. She practices her head bobs in the tub :)

Rex worked a ton over the summer for ODF and was on a fire for 2 weeks! But he did squeeze in time to take his mountain bike club to Canada and ride downhill trails for 3 days. He was in heaven. He looks pretty good huh? I love this picture.....

My sweet baby trying solid food for the first time :) I love this face!!

We celebrated my birthday. My 30th birthday! Ahh..... it is weird saying I am not in my twenty's anymore. But that is ok. Now I feel so grown-up :) I had a great party with family and friends and my yummy chocolate brownie trifle that my sweet hubby makes me every year.

Are any of these presents for me?
Rex is the best dad. Seriously. I love him and I love this picture. I love his smile and how happy is is around our kids. Everyone says Eleanor looks like him. I think they are both cute.

Beautiful view off our porch.

Olivia loves playing on the kindle. She is so sweet and cute.......

Eating ice cream outside with cousins. These kids love each other and it makes me so happy!

Annie's first day of first grade. She loves school and is really doing good in her class. She is in a 1st/2nd grade blend and she fits right in!

 Macey started preschool and came home on the first day and said it was "the best day ever!"

We invited the cousins over and had a back to school dinner. The kids made crowns and got fun school supplies. We had dinner and talked about our theme for the year. It was such a great night and I can't wait to make it a tradition! 

Ok... that was the last bit of summer in a nut shell! Macey's 5th birthday is next!!