Tuesday, October 27, 2009

One Busy Saturday

We have been go go go around here lately. But it is good to stay busy! So on Saturday we crammed in a ton of fun stuff!! First off bright and early I ran in my first 5K!! It was great! One of my best friends, Amy, coached me through it and we ran like the wind!! :) We finished right about 27 minutes. Not bad. It was really fun and funny since lots of people ran in Halloween costumes :) Moving on to a Nemo b-day party that the kids loved! Next, off the the pumpkin patch with Grandpa and Grandma Basting. We had a blast!! Hayride, pumpkin picking and the weather was perfect! We came home and made dinner for our guests and finished the night off by hanging out with my family over dessert! A great day!

After the race. Aren't we incredibly attractive... uh YES

My cheering section. My sweet family and my mom (my inspiration) came to watch me run. I have such a great family. Thanks so much!

Walking around the corn maze. Annie loves playing with Rex!

Annie picked out her own pumpkin. She thinks it is " so much cute"

All of us on the wild hayride. We really had a great time. I love when we spend time all together :)

Macey posing on her pumpkin. This was her second year to the pumpkin patch!

Oh my, these kids are cute!!

Us a year ago, wow time flies!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

The first few steps.....

Macey is starting to walk!! Just with in the last few days she is really getting brave! It is so funny to see her go. Lots of falls, but she doesn't mind one bit! Here is a quick clip of her stumbling to me! Love her laugh!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What a crafty week!

I had the best week last week! My sister and her cute kids came down to visit and we had a week full of crafts, laughing, and playing! It was so much fun, I mean I always have fun when we hang out, but when all us girls get together it is smiles all around!Plus, we got tons done. We worked sun up to sun down and played with the kids everywhere in between! I love Brianne so much and I am grateful that she is my best friend. My mom is awesome and helped a ton with the kids, made us dinner every single night, dessert and helped out with all our crafting needs!! Thanks for everything mom!! Thanks Brianne for coming down, we love you! And a huge thanks to my sweet hubby who put our kiddies to bed every night so I could stay late with the girls!! Thanks honey, I LOVE YOU!

These babies did so great!! They played good together and are so darn cute, even if they are eating cheerios off the floor...

First we started by making our kids Halloween costumes. All the girls are going to be cows... more pictures to come on Halloween :)

Annie and Ryan just love each other. They entertained each other all week! What good girls. Just having pop corn and enjoying some sun shine.

Look at that table! Ahhh! Yeah that happened everyday and then we would clean it up and start over again the next day. Here we are making our NOEL Christmas banners. So cute!


All done, I love it! Thanks to my cricut which I also love so much!!
A close up of one of my favorites.
Last, we made FHE signs. It took a couple of days, but we finished them! Yeah, what a fun week!

A closer look....

The girls make dipped pretzels, or what we like to call: princess wands!
It was so much fun and I am so grateful to have family so close!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

What a week!!

Ok, I know I haven't been on here in years....ok days, but it seems like a long time for me. We have had one of those weeks... You know what I am talking about. Where everyone is sick, hurt, things go wrong with the car, house.....anyway. In our family we had a long couple of days. Something happened to everyone. It started with Annie getting two ear infections, one in each ear. Accompanied by runny nose and 101 temp. Lovely, you can imagine how much sleep we did NOT get around here. Rex has really been into mountain biking lately. Great, good exercise and a chance to hang out with his friends.....until he wrecks, hurts his neck, cracks a rib, separates muscle from the bone, and scratches up his back. Oh goodie, not to mention the happy little urgent care bill we will receive in the mail. Joy. My sweet Macey is the best. She has a little runny nose but my angel has been sleeping through the night for weeks and hasn't failed me yet!LOVE HER! So that's it..... moving forward to next week. I just know it will be better than last week! Macey practicing her walking, she has definitely mastered looking so cute!

Rex pre wreck. He LOVES riding and I am glad that he has a good hobby, I just wish it was safer.....like knitting. He is really good at being cute too!