"The greatest thing you will ever learn is to love and be loved in return"
Annie combing Macey's mullet.... lovey, I know.
And last, I came up with the idea to make a lasagna soup. Rex loves lasagna and soup sounded good so I took all the ingredients for lasagna and made it into a yummy soup with bread sticks!
Dad and daughter, I just love this picture. They both look soooo cute! Look at Rex's hair, it is at a record length.....I had to document it :)
The scrumptious pumpkin mouse trifle that I made for Donna's birthday treat! So easy and simple! Click here for recipe! http://www.rachaelrayshow.com/food/recipes/pumpkin-pudding/ I modified it a bit by using sugar free/fat free pudding, fat free cool whip and making a ginger bread cake and cutting it into cubes instead of using cookies. Try this, so delish!!
I just thought this was cute! I love my girls!
Me and Macey moo. I am pretty sure that those cheeks grow a little each day :)
This was Annie wearing my shoes, she thought it was funny so I grabbed the camera. When I told her to "smile" this is what she did, lovey right?